10/30/18: Kuster’s Dominant Command of Issues on Clear Display at WMUR Debate

For Immediate Release

October 30, 2018

Kuster’s Dominant Command of Issues on Clear Display at WMUR Debate

(Concord, NH) - At tonight’s WMUR-Union Leader Debate, Congresswoman Kuster clearly demonstrated her command of the issues over challenger State Rep. Steve Negron. Kuster’s policy positions on healthcare, climate change, fostering economic opportunity, and tackling the opioid epidemic were in stark contrast to Negron’s extreme rhetoric and GOP talking points.

“Over the last several months, I’ve heard from voters across the state that they are tired of the bickering and partisanship in Washington,” said Kuster. “That’s why during my time representing New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District, I’ve focused on bringing people together to deliver real results for the Granite State. We’ve come together on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee to pass meaningful reforms to increase access to community care for our veterans. As the founder and co-chair of the Bipartisan Opioid Task Force, I’ve helped support those on the frontlines of the opioid epidemic in New Hampshire and I’m committed to helping support economic opportunity for all Granite Staters by increasing apprenticeship and skills training programs. This is what Granite Staters expect from their elected officials; thoughtful work on the issues most important in their lives. That’s what I’ve done and that’s what I will continue to do.”

“When it comes to bipartisanship Steve Negron may talk the talk but Annie Kuster walks the walk,” said Campaign Manager Tova Yampolsky. “Steve Negron has voted against compromises that have brought together a majority of Republicans and Democrats including Medicaid Expansion, banning gay conversion, and even protecting New Hampshire children from lead poisoning. The last thing New Hampshire voters want is someone who will contribute to the gridlock and dysfunction in Washington.”
