Valley News: Letter: Kuster for a strong economy

By Elizabeth Murphy | October 10, 2022

We have a choice about the direction we want our economy to go this November. We can vote for Republicans, who have blocked economic support from reaching our state and stood against common sense measures to strengthen our infrastructure, to secure our economy from dependence on foreign resources, and to bring more manufacturing and industry back home.

Or we can vote for Democrats who invested in innovation to create jobs and move our economy forward, who delivered targeted relief to our communities and small businesses, who invested in American energy independence and who fought for fair treatment and compensation for workers rather than siding with big business.

It is clear that Democrats stand for growth and prosperity, for embracing the potential of new technology to drive the economy, and Republicans stand for stagnation and corporate control.

Here in the Second District, the contrast is even clearer. Annie Kuster is the only choice to guarantee New Hampshire’s continued economic growth. Just a week ago, she unveiled her “Lower Cost & Stronger Economy Agenda,” which will combat inflation and provide a comprehensive roadmap for what needs to be done to relieve Granite Staters, such as expanding access to affordable high-speed internet and increasing the supply of affordable housing.

Annie fights for New Hampshire, she knows what it takes to build a stronger, more resilient economy, and she is doing the work to get us there. She has earned my vote, and I think she should earn yours too.

Elizabeth Murphy