Protecting Our Environment

Annie Kuster believes that protecting our climate and strengthening our economy go hand in hand. She helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which delivered the most significant investment in climate change mitigation ever. This game-changing package also created new grants for hardworking families to help them save money as they transition their homes and cars to renewable energy sources.

With a 95% lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters, Annie Kuster is a champion for protecting our natural resources and conserved lands. She helped pass legislation to fully and permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which has supported over $165 million worth of conservation and recreation projects in New Hampshire communities since its inception.

Annie is also working to expand the use of hydropower. She introduced the Twenty-First Century Dams Act to rehabilitate, retrofit, or remove America’s 90,000 dams, including more than 2,500 in New Hampshire. This legislation would modernize our hydropower infrastructure, expand clean energy production, and preserve our nation’s rivers.